CAD Integration & Dispatch Data

Modified on Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 5:34 PM

For call alerting and other data from your CAD, we can feed in a variety of ways, including:

  • Feed from CAD via a variety of standard formats
  • Parsed notifications via email, text, and other messaging platforms
  • Data from our various integration partners including Active911, Bryx, iSpyFire, FirstWatch, ER, and Locution
  • Mapping options including Google Maps and ESRI

We do not require integration to access your CAD directly, but it can always be explored if that is an option.

Some questions to ask ahead are : 

1.  What is your CAD, including name and version 

2.  Does your CAD allow you to distribute information such as call data, unit status, hydrants and other data to a third party? If so, what format is it in?

3.  Are there any additional charges by your CAD vendor to access this information?

4.  Does your dispatch center allow this information to be sent to platforms such as First Arriving?

What We Can Show

Data can include a wide array of information for both emergency alerting and non-emergency information, depending on the feed and content available to be provided to us, including:

  • Real-time notification of alerts or calls of varying types, including details, location, mapping, unit and/or personnel information, and more.
  • Alerts can include incidents, department-wide notifications, emergency updates, and more
  • Units available, AVL feeds, units in and out of service, hydrants, and other key metrics from CAD
  • More -- If you've got the data, we can make it work.


Email Parser Options

Don't have a direct feed or CAD access, or utilize one of our partners' services? We can ingest an email or other messaging to display your alerting or call data. 

In those cases, we typically need:

  • We'll provide you with an email address or other messaging location to send us the data from your dispatch center or other appropriate parties.
  • The body of the email should include the key information of the alert
  • For incidents, the body will typically include the nature of the call, location, and unit identifiers to filter which devices get which alerts (especially across multiple stations)

API Access

We have a RESTful API in which you can POST or PUT JSON payload requests.  We will create a specific endpoint for your agency based on the integration and provide you with a bearer token to be used in the header to make requests. 

Example for Real-Time alarm in JSON format :


  "alert": {

    "id": "123456789",

    "time": 1594926045,

    "alarm": {

      "details": "SAMPLE ALARM DATA",

      "units": "E123,A321,PE123,TGA9",

      "state": "VA",

      "description": "TEST TEST TEST",

      "city": "Ashland",

      "received": "1594926045",

      "lng": -78.4385454,

      "address": "9555 Kings Charter Drive",

      "lat": 37.6920731



  "agency": {

    "name": "FIRST ARRIVING",

    "timezone": "America/New_York",

    "id": 12345



XML Data

Some CAD systems and Dispatch centers have the ability to automatically send XML or CSV files of data such as Unit Status.  We can consume these by posting to an SFTP location that is provided by First Arriving.  The example below is not a standard template, we can use any fields that you have the ability to send.  We will customize what is shown based on your needs.

Example for Unit Status in XML :



  <sentWhen>06/01/2020 22:51:28</sentWhen>



    <UnitID>CAR 1</UnitID>

    <UnitDesc>CAR 1 - RESCUE 1</UnitDesc>











    <UnitLocation>9555 KINGS CHARTER DRIVE</UnitLocation>





    <EventType>ALS - BREATHING DIFF</EventType>



    <DeptName>RESCUE 1</DeptName>


    <StationName>EMS STATION #1</StationName>



    <LastUpdateWhen>06/01/2020 18:50:05</LastUpdateWhen>

    <DeptStatName>RES 7-EMS STATION #1</DeptStatName>






**Please note that we require the file to be overwritten in the folder.**
