Emergency Reporting - Records Management

Modified on Tue, 8 Nov, 2022 at 2:10 PM

First Arriving's integration with Emergency Reporting brings the integrations of their modules onto your First Arriving Dashboards.  For some other examples, you can view them here

Features Include:

  •  Schedule
    • Full Name
    • Time Scheduled
    • Unit assigned
    • Sort by station or unit
  • Upcoming Inspections
    • Inspection Name
    • Inspector Name
    • Date
  • Call Total Chart
    • Shows number of calls per call type 
    • Pie Chart Included 
  • Hydrants Out of Service
    • Hydrant Name / ID
    • Location
    • Notes
  • Equipment Maintenance
    • Equipment Name / ID
    • Location
    • Notes
    • Date and Time Reported
  • Apparatus Maintenance
    • Unit Name / ID
    • Maintenance
    • Vendor
    • Date and Time Reported
  • Daily Log
    • Entry Details
    • Date 
  • Incomplete Reports
    • Incident Number
    • Person Responsible
    • Date of Incident
  • Certifications Expiring
    • Name
    • Expiration Date
    • Group the entries by Certificate Name
  • Turnout Time Dial
    • Displays the number of runs represented
    • Percentage of acceptable turnout time against a benchmark you provide
  • Calendar
    • List View
    • Week view
    • Month View

What We Need:

  • Request your API Subscription Key from your Emergency Reporting representative.  Please note an API data fee might be applicable.
  • Enter your Subscription key into the link provided to your by your First Arriving implementation manager.

Example of integration on First Arriving Dashboards

Watch Our Emergency Reporting Integration Webinar (2020)