SafetyPad by ESO - ePCR Analytics

Modified on Wed, 17 Feb, 2021 at 10:18 PM

First Arriving's integration with SafetyPad by ESO brings ePCR data to your Digital Dashboards. 

Features Include:

  •  Turnout Times
    • Display total number of calls within a specified time frame
    • Display the number of calls that turned out under target time (for instance 90 seconds)
    • Display average turnout time in minutes/seconds
    • Display average enroute time in minutes/seconds
  • Incident Details
    • Response Code
    • Nature of the call
    • Unit 
    • Medication Given
    • Hospital
    • Date and time
  • Hospitals Transported To
    • Name of the Hospital
    • Number of patients taken in a given time frame
      • Time frame is specified by client

What We Need:

  • API endpoint provided by SafetyPad
  • API Key provided by SafetyPad
  • Please note that Data / API access could be an additional charge by the vendor.  This is determined by the vendor and not by First Arriving.

Example of integration on First Arriving Dashboards